Friday, December 27, 2019
How to accept reality without giving up your dreams
How to accept reality without giving up your dreamsHow to accept reality without giving up your dreamsIt is what it is. Itll become what you make of it. - old proverbWhatever we resist, persists.Most people dont want to be where they are?- ?they are elendlage comfortable in their own lives.Whatever we fight, we make it stronger. What seems nasty or painful can be a burden or a source of growth. Being at war with reality is a choice?- ?you became a casualty or make peace with life.Acceptance is giving up the fight, not your dreams.Acceptance is anything but passiveA weed is but an unloved flower.? Ella Wheeler WilcoxMany people confuse acceptance with resignation. They believe it means lowering their bar, stop caring or just quitting. On the contrary, you cant improve something you dont fully accept first.Acceptance is experiencing life fully, without resistance. You stop trying to change what you cant control. And, instead, focus on what you can yourself.As Henry Wadsworth Longfello w wrote, For, after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain. Acceptance is recognizing that it might rain whether you like it or not. An umbrella can keep you dry, but you cant stop the rain.Noah Rasheta uses Tetris as an analogy to explain how people deal with reality. To win, we must position the piece that comes next in the best way possible. We cant choose their shapes though?- ?we must adapt to whatever piece the game throws at us.When we try to control the game, we get stuck. Thats not the shape I was expecting. Thats not the one I need You dont win on Tetris by yelling but by positioning the pieces the best way possible. What you do matters more than how you emotionally react?- ?a lot like life.We get paralyzed when things dont go as planned- we see things through a lens of anger and fear. Acceptance helps us neutralize frustration. It gives us permission. Instead of getting stuck fighting reality, we jump into action.Acceptance is a choice?- ?you de cide to play with the pieces you get instead of expecting them to have a different shape.That doesnt mean condoning harmful situations. You simply recognize that you are in a specific situation but must choose what you are going to do with it. Acceptance is not passive behavior?- ?when you struggle against the pain you create unnecessary suffering. Most people fail to change because they start from the wrong place. You cant improve yourself, your workplace or relationships, if you dont accept your current state first.When we accept what it is, we gain clarity?- ?we focus on whats under our control. You work on what youll make of something rather than wishing something else to happen.Acceptance is not surrendering your dreams but to stop fighting a pointless war with life.The opposite of acceptance is avoidanceThe first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. - Nathaniel BrandenMost of our trouble is self-inflicted?- ?we keep expecting things to be different, versus accepting them as they are. Thats why we are always trying to change other people too.We avoid the truth of life things are not under our control. We are not perfect. We cant change others. We cant control the future. We cant change the past. We cant expect people to think or react as we would. We will all die. When we accept this universal truth its easier to accept simpler matters.Acceptance is letting go of the need of control.You cant face what you dont understand. You cant act on what you fail to see either. The first of the twelve steps of the Alcoholics Anonymous program is admitting that we cannot control our addictions. Acceptance requires courage?- ?you must confront, not avoid, yourself.To accept reality, we must experience it first.Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) describes our mind as a problem-solving machine.A problem is something unwanted?- ?we find a solution to get rid of it. Experiential avoidance is escaping from our thoughts, feelings, memories, and o ther undesired experiences?- ?even if that harms us in the long-run.For example, take the case of a leader whos not getting the results promised to his/her stakeholders. Acceptance means acknowledging that he/she must either adjust the forecast or change the strategy. Sticking to the same plan is avoidance?- ?to keep acting as if everything is fine.Mindfulness expert Tara Brach defines acceptance as recognizing the truth of this moment without resistance.Acceptance in ACT means opening up?- ?we make room for uncomfortable experiences such as feeling, sensations, urges, or emotions. We give them some breathing space and allow them to be as they are. We dont resist the truth of the moment.Opening up doesnt mean liking everything but not running away from what we dislike. To accept the actual feelings you have about a situation. You are open to experience it fully. When you take things as they are, you can choose a wise response over an emotionally charged reaction.Eckhart Tolle said, Always say yes to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? Surrender to what is. Say yes to life?- ?and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.Trying to suppress our internal experience?- ?in response to suffering?- ?is the opposite of acceptance. Saying yes to reality is not resignation. You confront the piece instead of complaining because you expected a different shape.Appreciation is focusing on your potential?- ?when you stop fighting reality, life starts working for you.Surrender to the momentSometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand and become comfortable with not knowing. - Eckhart TolleHow do we transition from resistance to acceptance?We must surrender.Thats what Eckhart Tolle, the most popular spiritual author as per The New York Times, recommends. We must get past the like-dislike reactive relationship with reality. To allow the moment to be as it is. Resi sting reality adds stress to our lives.Are you creating unnecessary conflict between the inner and external world?Most people dont want to be where they are, according to Tolle. We dont want to be in traffic jams, airport security checkpoints or toxic workplaces, to name a few. Sometimes, walking out is a good option. But, constant escapism is dysfunctional?- ?we turn avoidance into a habit.Surrender means transitioning from resistance to acceptance?- ?we say yes to life.We realize that living is less painful when we dont expect specific things to happen in the future. We focus on doing our best with the pieces we receive. We stop defining ourselves in good-or-bad terms. And make space to observe what is.If you dont surrender to the moment, you will surrender your happiness. You cant appreciate what you have if you are always fighting reality.Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) uses the term Defusion to describe the ability to separate ourselves from our thoughts. We must learn to observe our thoughts, not to see life through them?- ?acceptance is gaining clarity by removing the fog.To surrender means accepting this moment, not the story you tell yourself about this moment. You cultivate the ability to face difficult thoughts and emotions in the service of achieving what you want the most.Stop asking why is this happening to me? Instead, focus on what you can do with what you have. When you stop placing impossible demands on your life, everything becomes more satisfying, more peaceful?- ?you dont need to be at war with reality.Acceptance is a skill that requires practice. You still will feel frustration or disappointment, but you wont additional and unnecessary pain. Practicing acceptance in everyday situations will help you prepare to accept more challenging ones.Surrender to the moment but dont give up winning the game of life.Gustavo Razzetti is a change instigator that helps people and organizations create positive change. He is on a mission to help 1, 000,000 people become the best version of themselves.This article first appeared on Medium.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Duties of Air Force Imagery Analysis (1N1X1) Positions
Duties of Air Force Imagery Analysis (1N1X1) PositionsDuties of Air Force Imagery Analysis (1N1X1) PositionsSpecialty Summary Duties and Responsibilities Exploits and analyzes multisensor imagery in conjunction with all-source intelligence information. Determines type, function, schauplatz, and significance of military facilities and activities, industrial installations and surface transportation networks. Determines type, function, and location of military equipment including ground, air, naval, missile, and electronic orders of battle. Uses multisensor imagery to conduct comparative analysis. Analyzes terrain to determine trafficability, and identify landing zones and defensive fortifications. Analyzes structures of military and industrial installations to determine construction type and functionality. Determines present and future imagery collection requirements. Prepares damage assessment reports detailing structural damage and weapons effects. Opetarifs imagery exploiting equip ment including computer-assisted exploiting and automated data base systems. Constructs queries and retrieves historical files to conduct comparative analysis. Uses automated exploiting equipment to prepare, review, and transmit intelligence reports. Uses softcopy imagery systems to exploit, perform mensuration, annotate, and disseminate imagery products. Performs precise mensuration of multisensor imagery to determine geographic location, and vertical and horizontal measurements of objects. Uses maps, charts, geodetic products, and multisensor imagery to determine distance, azimuth, and location of targets. Compiles imagery derived data into detailed target assessments. Uses collateral information from other intelligence disciplines to analyze imagery. Prepares multisensor imagery for reproduction and dissemination. Prepares and conducts multisensor imagery derived intelligence briefings. Constructs and prepares imagery mosaics for reproduction. Compiles and maintains imagery targe t folders.Specialty Qualifications Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of basic and advanced imagery interpretation principles, techniques, and procedures for imagery exploitation, reports, and presentations Air Force, DOD, and national imagery intelligence collection systems and procedures techniques of collating, analyzing, and evaluating imagery intelligence use of maps, charts, grid systems, and interpreting equipment to solve imagery intelligence problems mosaic construction intelligence reference materials fundamental mensuration techniques distribution of imagery intelligence requirements for, and sources and uses of target and imagery intelligence data production of imagery related target materials and security controls, classifications, markings, and handling restrictions. Education. Completion of high school with courses in mathematics, advanced English, and computer applications is desirable for entry into this specialty. Training. The following training is mandatory for aw ard of the AFSC indicated AFSC 1N131. Completion of a basic imagery analysis course. AFSC 1N171. Completion of the advanced imagery analysis course. Experience. The following experience is mandatory for award of the AFSC indicated (Note See Explanation of Air Force Specialty Codes). 1N151. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 1N131. Also, experience performing functions such as imagery exploitation, mensuration, map and chart reading, reporting, and mosaic construction. 1N171. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 1N151. Also, experience performing or supervising functions such as imagery exploitation. 1N191. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 1N171. Also, experience managing, collecting, interpreting, analyzing, and distributing imagery and imagery related intelligence. Other. The following is mandatory as indicated For entry into this specialty, normal color vision as defined in AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards. For entry, award, and retention of these AFSCs , stereoscopic acuity equivalent to depth perception standards for flying Class I or Class IA with or without correction according to AFI 48-123. For award and retention of AFSC 1N131/51/71/91/00, eligibility for a Top Secret security clearance, according to AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management, and for sensitive compartmented information access. NOTE Award of the 3-skill level without a final Top Secret clearance is authorized provided an interim TS has been granted according to AFI 31-501. For award of AFSC 1N131 ability to type at a rate of 20 words per minute. Note This job requires a Sensitive Job Code- (SJC) of F. Strength Req G Physical Profile 333231 Citizenship Yes Required Appitude Score G-64 (Changed to G-66, effective 1 Jul 04). Technical Training Course X3ABR1N131 006 Location G Length (Days) 120 Possible Assignment Locations The following information welches extracted from posts in our Message Forum, posted there by a member, RDKIRK, who spent 26 years in the 1N1X1 Career Field As for being an intelligence specialist, I welches a 1n1 (reconnaissance imagery analyst). Basically imagery analysts are the people who study reconnaissance imagery such as from what we used to call national technical intelligence systems and can now call reconnaissance satellites. Thats known as IMINT Imagery Intelligence. One-En-Ones also drive Predator drones. Contrary to popular opinion, its not just a matter of looking down on people (although thats a hoot, too), or a matter of how good the imagery is. You see, the other guys know were watching, so the most important stuff is kept hidden. The real challenge of the job is not what you can see, but figuring out what you *cant* see. Nowadays, were doing so much with remote sensing that it cant really be called imagery analysis any more. Think about the kinds of things astronomers using the Hubble telescope figure out about distant galaxies and stars from spectrograhic and other methods, then turn that capability 180 degrees. That makes it very much like being one of the guys on CSI, tracking down tiny clues and determining whats happening from things most people wouldnt even notice, or from temperature variations, wind patterns, tonal variations of the ground or grass, and other things we dont talk about. It can be very, very detailed. Sometimes you might spend monthseven yearsgetting the proof for your hypotheses. The best thing is when you can be *predictive*when you figure out how to tell what is *going* to happen in the future from the clues you see today. Some people are so good, they can even trace the movements of guerrilla forces through African jungles or tell you what day a certain bomber at a certain airbase will return to depot maintenance. Okay, those guys are pretty ate up, but theyre awesome. There is a kind of community competition at work. USAF analysts are always in competition with the folk at the National Imagery and Mapping AgencyNIMA (they dont call the ir people imagery analysts, they call them geospacial intelligence analystswoo hoo). The competition is to find something new first, or if you dont find it first, do a better job of figuring exactly what it is and what it means. Its pretty good when you can outdo the NIMA guys in DC. There was a time when the imagery analysts at CIA made a prediction that a female SSgt who worked for me was able to refute because she had done her homework bettereven the admiral we worked for (Admiral Jacoby, whos now director of the Defense Intelligence Agency) enjoyed sticking that one to the CIA. Those guys are pretty good because they get more chance at long-term specialization. But USAF analysts usually know more about a greater variety of things. We all work closely with other intelligence disciplines, such as SIGINT and ELINT. We do verification of defector reports, search for peace treaty violations, track down drug operations, sometimes even search for missing ships or airplanes. Every oth er type of intel is considered more reliable if it can be verified from imagery. During wartime, the job of the 1n1 is to do targeting and BDA (bomb damage assessment). We find what should be bombed, then look at it afterward to determine if it was sufficiently destroyed. If it was missed, we look for what *did* get hit. We have the lists of every target, every missile launched, every bomb load dropped, and we do the scoring to figure out where every bomb struck. You often get advanced information about thiings that about to happen because they always want an imagery analysis first. Some things the rest of the world finds out about, some things they dont. At one point, I could tell you what was going on at hundreds of military airbases around the world on any given day. Did it for 26 years and loved all of it (and miss it terribly). When they talk about places in Iraq or Afghanistan (or anywhere else, just about), I can still see them in my mind. Intel as a whole is a great field. Id consider one-en-oh the next runner up, especially if youre attached to Special Forces (they like their intel to share the experience a little bit). Intel is always real world whether were at war or not. During the Cold War or during the last ten years watching Iraq, intel is always real world. *************************************** For your first duty assignment, youll more than likely end up in a Joint Intelligence Center because thats where most Imagery Analysts are, and they have the greatest ability to absorb and train new troops. was a USAF imagery analyst for 26 years and loved every minute of it. The early years were fun because different things were happeningespecially with the SR-71 and U-2 programs. The later years have been interesting because of the advanced technology of the sensors (notice, I said sensors and not just cameras). The science is way beyond the art at this point, and imagery analysts are just beginning to learn what can be learned from remote sens ing. Something I didnt mention elsewhere were the types of job assignments. Most USAF imagery analysts will be in the big Joint Intelligence Centers. Most of the combat commands have one, usually at its command headquarters. The Joint Intelligence Center-Pacific (JICPAC) is in Pearl Harbor and obviously has a Naval flavor (this is also considered an overseas assignment). The Strategic Command Joint Intelligence Center (STRATJIC) is at Offutt AFB in Omaha, NE. The Transportation Command Joint Intelligence Center (TRANS-JIC) is at Scott AFB near St Louis. The Central Command Joint Intelligence Center (CENTJIC) is at Tampa Bay. The European Command Analysis Center (JACEUR) is at RAF Molesworth, England (the Brits were uncomfortable calling it an intelligence center). The National Military Joint Intelligence Center (NMJIC, pronounced nim-jic) is at the Pentagon, however most imagery analysts in DC are now in the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) that was organized iin the l ate 90s. All those places do strategic analysis, which means most of the work is either supporting the main database or your commands immediate needs. Ive also done some stuff supporting special forces in the areas I was in. As you can see, these are not badeanstalt places to be stationed. Imagery analysts also drive Predator drones, so that is where you can do some tactical duty. There are probably some other slots in onesies and twosies scattered around (like a few guys at Hurlburt Field in Florida who support the Special Operations Command). However, its easy for a 1n1 to bounce from JIC to JIC his entire career. Even after tech school (which is considered one of the more learning intense), you will have a LOT to learn, and you will keep on learning. After basic techniques, you have to learn the details about whatever particular area youre working, how to use new technical devices and sensors, and youre always, always, always learning new ways to see through new attempts to de ceive you. For instance, in one of my jobs, I was working Worldwide Air Forces. That meant not just knowing what every military aircraft looked like no matter the viewpoint, but also knowing the characteristics of each military force *and* the individual activities ongoing at each military base. At any given time, I could tell you what was going on at several hundred different airfields, and at a glance I could tell if anything different was happening. I could tell you when a particular bomber was going to be returned to depot maintenance, or when a fighter squadron was about to deploy and where it was going to deploy to. Guys specialing in naval forces can often identify *individual* naval vessels of different countries because of some unique repair or fitment thats been made on that one ship. Guys who do ground forces know their areas so well they can tell when guerilla forces have moved into an area just from the number of goats that are (or suddenly arent) in a farmers pastu re. Other guys can tell you within hours when a country is going to run a nuclear test *and* tell you what the size of the bomb will be. Everywhere you go, there will be an entire new set of things to learn and keep learning.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Consider the Business Analyst Path
Consider the Business Analyst PathConsider the Business Analyst PathBruce Wayne didnt set out to become Batman Thats just the route his life took. Similarly, you may not have originally banked on joining the ranks of business analysts, superheroes who scrutinize big data, organizational needs and operations in order to make the enterprise more efficient and profitable.If you now find yourself heading down the business analyst career path, heres what you need to know.Prerequisite superpowersUnlike Storm or Silver Surfer, Batman wasnt born with superpowers. Rather, he relies on his keen intellect, martial arts training and a really cool tool belt. While you dont need to travel abroad and master jujitsu, according to the International Institute of Business Analysts (IIBA), you will need the followingA bachelors degree relevant to your area of specializationExperience in financial analysis, data flow analysis and project managementAnalytical thinking and problem solving skillsSoft skills , such as leadership abilities and excellent written and verbal communicationTechnological proficiencyDemonstrated prowess in your area of specializationSEARCH FOR CONSULTING JOBSTransferable skills and experienceThe different types of business analysts are as numerous as Batmans foes. The position youre best suited for will depend on the skills and experience youve gained during your career.Accountants might be interested in budget analyst positions where they can employ data mining skills to identify business trends and adjust budgets accordingly. Likewise, information technology auditors may find a smooth transition in applying their expertise and knowledge of ERP systems to the role of business systems analyst.The business analyst call beckonsWith the demand for business analysts comes increased compensation. According to the 2018 Robert Half Salary Guide, the midpoint salary for a business analyst with one to three years of experience is $67,000. Senior business analysts can ex pect midpoint salaries of $86,000 this year, and for business analyst managers, its $110,000 at the midpoint. At the midpoint, candidates have average experience with the necessary skills to meet the job requirements, and the role may be in an industry where competition for talent is moderate.There also are opportunities for those who want to merge their professional transition with aconsulting career. Companies seek professionals with specialized subject matter expertise who can quickly step in to support key business initiatives.In the end, try channeling a bit more Bruce Wayne when your career encounters unexpected detours. Put your experience and skills to work and supercharge your future as a business analyst.Photo creditBatsignal at Highmark building, by brian donovan, via Wikimedia Commons
Friday, December 13, 2019
Contacting a Hiring Manager on LinkedIn
Contacting a Hiring Manager on LinkedInContacting a Hiring Manager on LinkedInJob seekers often wonder if its appropriate to contact the hiring manager on LinkedIn after they have applied for a job. There isnt a simple yes or no answer. In general, though, it wont hurt your application to send a quick Im very interested message. Should You Contact the Hiring Manager on LinkedIn? Whether its worth reaching out depends on the company, the hiring manager, and how you contact the individual. Especially important for competitive positions to which hundreds of applicants respond, being proactive and making a personal connection can help your application get noticed. On the flip side, it can annoy a hiring manager who prefers not to be contacted by applicants. Ultimately, unless the job posting says applications will only be considered through the employers website or applicant tracking system, theres little to be lost in sending a brief, polite LinkedIn message to the hiring manager no ting your interest in the job. If an employer explicitly asks that applicants do not contact him or her beyond their official applications, do not message the employer on LinkedIn. If this happens to be the case, or if youre uncomfortable with the prospect of reaching out blindly, ask a colleague or collaborator who has contact with the company for an introduction or referral this, as well, could provide an edge. 151 Watch Now 8 LinkedIn Mistakes You Might Be Making Tips for Contacting a Hiring Manager on LinkedIn Contacting a hiring manager isa simple thing to do. What to write and how to make the best impression is as easy as a few clear steps Let the hiring manager know you have applied and reiterate your interest in the job.Mention one or two of your key qualifications to demonstrate why you are an ideal candidate for the position.Keep your message as specific and concise as possible. A brief message may get the hiring manager interested in your application without annoyin g him or her.Be sure to thoroughly edit your message before sending it. All of your contact with the hiring manager should be professional and polished no message at all is better than a sloppily written one. When to Send a Message Depending on the company, it may take some time for your application to be processed. If its a small employer and youre sending your resume by email, its fine to follow up shortly after you have sent it. If its a large company, youll probably apply through an online applicant management system. In that case, wait until a day or so after you have put in your application so it will have a chance to get into the system and to the hiring manager. Dont worry if you dont hear back. Not everyone checks their LinkedIn messages frequently. Some people dont bother at all. If you dont get a response it doesnt mean youre not being considered for the job. Follow the Instructions Following the parameters provided by the hiring manager in applying for a positio n is important as well. Failing to submit all required materials will likely remove you from consideration. Throwing out applications from people who didnt do what was asked is an easy way to reduce the size of the applicant pool, so take the time to address the employers specific application requirements and meet them adequately. One hiring manager recently shared that he gets so many qualified applicants that if he misses a good one while screening resumes, it doesnt really matter because there are many more strong candidates from which to choose.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Fight Against Do References Go on a Resume
The Fight Against Do References Go on a Resume Do References Go on a Resume Who you choose as your reference can create a significant impact. If you know in advance your reference may be reached by a particular business, you can share your resume and the work description with your references. Ultimately, adding references poses a danger of the applicant. If you would like to ensure you are in possession of a fantastic variety of feasible references offered and that the reference you get is positive, you should focus on your relationship with these folks. The Tried and True Method for Do References Go on a Resume in Step by Step Detail So, youve got an idea on who to ask now. They will provide you with the basics of what you will need. Type of Do References Go on a Resume Youre also likely to need to understand how to choose and request references. Repeat until all references are added. Second, your references may not wish to openly share private information. Moreover, select your references wisely. The variety of names isnt as vital as the caliber of the references. If youre fighting to locate references in the above mentioned categories, its possible to find a character or private references. When you should provide references to a possible employer, the ideal way to do it is to create a reference page it is possible to share with them. Its important to choose the references in your list dependent on the role youre applying for. These folks ought to be in a position to consult with your qualifications for work. Yet I dont think that a resume, even an extremely good one, tells the entire story. For this reason, you wish to remain professional with people around you and maintain a list of feasible references whether youre job hunting now or later on. Its essential for the reference to understand the font of job youre applying for to ensure they can supply the most fitting feedback on your abilities. Instead, make a distinct reference shee t youre able to bring to your job interview. The ideal time to search for a job is when youve got work, but it doesnt signify that its simple to look for work during the time that youre employed. Whats more, you ought to focus on matching the individuals knowledge of you with the job youre applying for. By way of example, maybe you want to emphasize your management and leadership abilities. If its a leadership role, locate a subordinate or fellow manager to supply a reference for you. It should consist of a couple quick, strong statements at the start of your resume to summarize your abilities and experience. The variety of references you list is dependent upon your career level. Of course, when youve got a reference in mind, you definitely need to be really nice to them and help them see your value at work. This sort of reference wont concentrate on your professional abilities and achievements quite as extensively. however, it will talk more about your other characteristi cs and the sort of person youre. Your references could make or break your odds of landing work, so be certain to pick the best people to talk for your benefit. To begin with, you are able to choose to file your professional references, and trust they wont call these people until necessary. The Hidden Facts on Do References Go on a Resume The main point is to receive your reference list sorted once possible, whether youre looking for employment now. These are prepared for obtain, if you love and wish to grab that, just click save logo on the webpage, and itll be instantly saved in your PC. References lists are a crucial part of the work application procedure, together with titelblatt letters, resumes, and interview follow-up letters. Remember your references ought to be on a single parcel of paper. Ok, I Think I Understand Do References Go on a Resume, Now Tell Me About Do References Go on a Resume Its rare an employer will request references in a very first interview, but i ts possible thats why you need to get them with you. Secondly, make them know they may expect to get contacted. THE ANSWER References are a crucial portion of the interview procedure. The One Thing to Do for Do References Go on a Resume You will have the ability to discover various resume samples over the web that could greatly help you. You are able to also make their life a bit easier and ensure your probability of getting a top-notch recommendation. If youre rude to people, it may backfire and prevent you from receiving the dream job. LiveCareer offers assistance at each step along the work seekers journey. When some employers might ask you to submit resume references as a piece of the application procedure, others might ask after a telephone screening, face-to-face interview or before the last step in the hiring process. Following your interview, your references could be an important component on whether you get a job offer from a business. For instance, if youre goi ng into the work market for the very first time, you may just must list three references. There are lots of times in your life when you may be requested to attach professional references to your resume-either at the start or during the application procedure.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Working At Verisign
Working At Verisign At Verisign, they know the best employees think of their career as their lifes passion. In fact, Verisigns programs and benefits support their employees pursuit of their passions.Interested in creating a place for yourself at Verisign?If yes, then click here to see all of their available opportunities, and dont forget to press Follow to receive custom job matches, event invitations and more One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help t o reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 1000000 construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel neuerung/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender team s, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million manage rial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentierung technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,26 2) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
How to Welcome and Onboard a New Employee
How to Welcome and Onboard a New EmployeeHow to Welcome and Onboard a New EmployeeWelcoming a new employee is more than making a company announcement and a babo assignment. Welcoming a new employee, to give the new employee the best possibility of integrating successfully in your company, requires a series of steps that start after your job offer is accepted. Integration and retention of your new employee start during the hiring process, and they also intensify when the new employee starts the new job. You have a lot at stake in how you welcome your new employee. These recommendations will help you get it right. These welcoming steps for the new employee continue right into his or her employment. If you do ansicht welcome and onboarding steps well, you will create a successful new employee. Heres how. New Employee Welcome Steps If you follow these recommended steps, your new employee is set up for success. Contact the new employee shortly after he or she signs and returns your jo b offer. The purpose of the note or phone call is to express your excitement that the new employee has joined your team.This call is best made by the hiring manager, the employee to whom the new employee will report. Set up the expectation that the new employee will hear from you regularly during the normal two-four weeks before the start day.Send benefits information and the employee handbook early so that the new employee may review them at his or her leisure and arrive for the first day with questions.You may have other documents that are pertinent to your business to share as well. If these are erreichbar, provide the employee with a link and early access. These actions contribute to the trust you are establishing with the new employee. If your organization has an online wiki or another intranet, provide the new employee with early access. This is especially important if you have an online staff directory with photos of employees. Your new employee will feel as if he or she is g etting to know coworkers early. Lacking an online photo album, consider setting up an employee bulletin board in each departement with employee photos and other business and employee information. Or, do both.Send an official company welcome letter from Human Resources. This welcome letter for the new employee should contain a confirmation of such items as start date, start time, work dress code, where to go, the first days schedule, and other details that the new employee needs to know. Assign a new employee a mentor, a more experienced employee with no reporting relationship to the new employee. The mentor should call the new employee to get to know him or her before the start date.Prepare for the employees first day by having everything ready for his or her arrival. An earlier article stressesthe ten best ways to turn off a new employee. Many of them have to do with the organizations failure to prepare to welcome the new employee from day one.These items seem so simple. For exampl e, dont ask an employee to start during a week when his or her new boss is out of town. Dont schedule a new employee without preparing their work area. Demonstrate respect for the new employee. Develop a checklist for new employee preparation that includes assigning a computer or laptop, installing software programs necessary, preparing a desk and cubicle or office, providing mail access and an email account, and so forth. Every office needs a list and an employee assigned to make the items happen before the new employee starts work at their new job.Decorate the new employees office area with welcome signs, flowers, and snacks. Let the quirkiness of your employees and work culture shine through in the items that you provide to welcome the new employee. Company swag is appreciated, too. A mug with the company logo and other items that welcome the new employee will make him, or her feel quickly at home. Make sure that the first days schedule is full of meeting people and onboarding ac tivities. Schedule a good portion of the morning with the new employees boss and mentor.This is your last chance to make a positive impression on your new employee. Dont let the day go to waste and contain nothing but paperwork and HR meetings. The day is for bonding with the boss, the mentor, and coworkers not about filling in forms.Prepare an onboarding schedule in advance that is customized to the needs of the department and the new employee. Make sure that the onboarding schedule fills only part of each day so that the new employee can feel productive immediately in his or her new job.One company required that the employees manager put together a 120-day onboarding plan that provided something new for the employee to learn every day. The employees boss and mentor are responsible for creating, sharing, and monitoring the onboarding schedule. Make sure that the new employee meets with Human Resources staff on the first day so he or she can ask questions about benefits, policies, a nd compensation.HR cooperates with the manager and mentor to tell the new employee what he or she needs to know and to introduce the culture and the organizations expectations of employees. This is also an opportunity to begin communicating the value of your comprehensive benefits package.Schedule lunch on the first day with the new employees coworkers and set up a schedule to make sure that he or she has a coworker with whom to eat each day of the first week. The new employees boss and mentor should also attend this lunch. The goal is that the new employee has the opportunity to meet many new coworkers from across the organization so they feel welcomed and part of their new workplace. The impressions the new employee forms during the first few days and the onboarding period will have an enormous impact on the new employees experience of your organization. It is well worth your time and attention to make the new employees welcome positive, affirming, and exciting.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Use Github to Find Your Next IT Job
How to Use Github to Find Your Next IT Job How to Use Github to Find Your Next IT Job Github has a lot of functions you can write code, share your code, and collaborate with others on DevOps projects. But did you know that Github can also be a tool you can use to find your next position? Github is used by recruiters and managers hiring for high-level IT jobs to see what you can do. Here are a few reasons you should be using Github to sell yourself and your skills.Recruiters and hiring managers have made scanning Github part of their standard procedureTechnology recruiters consistently review candidates profiles on Github. Sometimes, they might peruse your profile if youre being heavily considered for a position. Other times, they use itto find professionals with a particular set of skills. Still other recruiters respond to candidates who have reached out to their tech kollektivs or demonstrated interest in projects that were similar to projects their teams had on the docket.You can u se itto demonstrate the range of your abilitiesA strong profile can attract attention from companies that seek out employees with your skill set. If your profile is JavaScript heavy, for example, youre communicating to potential employers that this is the area where you want to focus your attention.To use Github to your full advantage, tweak your profile to make sure it demonstrates that you are an engineer who can provide complete functionality to a potential team rather than someone who is just a programmer. A good way to do this is by creating a thoughtful readme file demonstrating how you think about and solve problems with your coding.Itcan help you find a company that fits your interestsGithub can give you more information about teams that might be good fits for you, too. You can look to see what companies are working on projects that interest you, and follow team members who are working on exciting side projects. Then you can have a better sense if a company you admire would be a good fit for you.But Github isnt all you should be using to land your dream jobGithub is only one tool in what should be a complex tool belt for self-promotion. First, make sure youre using the resume conventions that best highlight your accomplishments. Next, write a resume that makes you attractive to fill new jobs in engineering. After youre happy with your resume, run it through Jobscan. Jobscan helps you optimize your resume by ensuring a job postings keywords match the words youre using on your resume. As a developer is especially important to have your technical skills readable to ATS algorithms.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Your Next Recruiter Should Be Equal Parts Sleuth, Seer and Charmer
Your Next Recruiter Should Be Equal Parts Sleuth, Seer and CharmerYour Next Recruiter Should Be Equal Parts Sleuth, Seer and CharmerYour Next Recruiter Should Be Equal Parts Sleuth, Seer and Charmer BortzRunning a successful business is every CEOs mission. But as business accelerates so too do expectations. Thatcan turn every dayinto a balancing act of deadlines. Finding the time to recruit all-important new hires can easily fall to the bottom of the listto the detriment of your growing business.If that scenario sounds familiar, it may be time to consider hiring a recruiter for your company.So what exactly does a recruiter bring to the table?A recruiters main job function is problem solving, says Dan Ryan, founder of Ryan Search Consulting, a talent acquisition and development firm. Recruiters have to be able to understand their employers needs, and find the best talent to fill those needs, he says.But thats not all. We have to hire talented recruiters who not only understand our bu siness but also understand the labor market, says Larry Nash, U.S. director of recruiting at EY.These common sense steps will help you find the best recruiters for your company.Zero in on the schriftart of recruiter you need most.Many companiesparticularly large businesseshire recruiters to focus on a specific level of recruiting. EY, for example, employs college recruiters as well as executive recruiters to better target talent for these significantly different roles.If youre a college recruiter, we want to know how you build deep relationships with schools, Nash says. In comparison, if youre an executive recruiter, we want to know what experience you have in finding and attracting talent at that level.If youre considering hiring a recruiter, think about the positions you need to fill and look for recruiters with expertise in those areas.Look for recruiters with social media skills.The recruiting world has become laser-focused on social media and online applications, says Ryan. And for good reasonsocial media is where youll find people. According to a 2016 Nielsen report, adults 18+ spend over five hours a week on social media.Recruiters who can utilize social media to find and attract top talent can be an asset to your company, especially recruiters with a proven track record in social media recruiting. This applies to not only LinkedIn but also Facebook and Twitter. A big part of the job is figuring out how to communicate with recruits on these platforms, says Nash. In other words, can you articulate what job youre looking to fill in 140 characters?Additionally, recruiters with a large number of followers are definitely a plus, given their exposure to the industrys talent pool.Dont overlook phone communication skills.Phone skills are crucial, since they give employers the ability to screen candidates without having to bring people in for a face-to-face bewerbungsinterview. Naturally, one of the best ways to gauge a prospective recruiters phone skills is to simply conduct a phone interview with them yourself, says Ryan.Find people who fit the companys culture.Every company has a distinct brandor whats commonly called an employer brand, Ryan says. Be mindful of what your organizations culture is when searching for recruiters. Its also important for prospective recruiters to align with your companys core values. Our purpose at EY is to build a better working world, and we look for recruiters who have a passion for doing that, says Nash.Seek out recruiters who play well with others.Successful recruiting, like other business functions, requires coordination. When recruiters, hiring managers and human resource managers all work together, they are better positioned to find fresh talent. Unfortunately, this coordination is sometimes easier said than done.One source of frictionhiring managers can feel like recruiters are stepping on their toes, and vice versa. However, its imperative for recruiters and hiring managers to work together as a tea m, says Nash. They have different roles, but they share the same goal, which is to find the most talented workers in the field.To assess the potential of your new hire as a team player,ask how they collaborate with hiring managers and HR at their current company. And dont overlook the most crucial skill of alllistening. Listening is the core skill of recruiting, says James Wright, partner at Bridge Technical Talent.Pay attention to customer tafelgeschirr skills.As ambassadors for your business, recruiters are the face of your company to the public, says Mikaela Kiner, CEO at Uniquely HR, a career coaching and HR consulting firm. Consequently, its up to the recruiter to ensure every candidate has a positive experience and is left with a good impression of your company, whether or not they get an offer, says Kiner.To more effectively evaluate someones customer service skills, you can pose behavioral interview questions such as, How would you greet new recruits? or What would you do if you had a conflict with a recruit?To help get you started with recruiting a recruiter, keep theseadditional interview questions handyWhats your approach to recruiting?Why are you passionate about recruiting?How do you negotiate with top talent?What techniques and tools do you use to find job candidates?How do you assess talent?What steps do you take when a job candidate you recruited doesnt get hired?How do you keep track of your candidate pool?How long does it typically take for you to fill a job order?Working closely with a recruiter who understands your companys values and mission will give you more time to focus on the important task ofgrowing your business and expanding your team.
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